Important Dates
The deadline for abstract submission is April 19th.
Notification of acceptance of abstracts: from Mai 20th
Publication of accepted abstracts: Journal of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine ("ahead of print", online edition, issue 7)
Swiss MedLab, 23. – 25. Juni 2020, Bern
Roland Richterich Medal: will be given at the Gala Dinner, Wednesday 24.6.2020
Poster Awards, 1.–3. Prize: 25.6.2020, Farewell
Publication of Abstracts
Abstracts submitted for the Swiss MedLab Congress will be published in the online edition of the journal "Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine CCLM
Instructions for Authors
1. Your abstract must reach the congress secretariat via Internet-Submission on or before April 19th, 2020 24.00 (GMT +2).
2. Not more than approx. 2,200 characters are allowed (approx. 400 words = 1/2 to 3/4 page, using letters of 12 characters per inch (cpi) as the minimum incl. title, authors’ names and authors’ affiliations). Type the text single spaced with no paragraphs or indentations. Figures must not be included; tables should be avoided.
3. Title: The abstract title should be brief and specific, please do not use abbreviations. Use bold font. The initial letter is a capital, the rest lower case.
4. Authors’ names:
4.1 Authors’ names start with their initial(s) and are followed by their second names. Authors’ names are in plain font.
4.2 Underline the corresponding author.
4.3 Give department, institution, town and country of all authors (no country abbreviation before postal code).
4.4 If there is more than one affiliation, add superscript numbers to each author name and precede each affiliation with the corresponding superscript number. Run on and do not start a new line with a new affiliation.
5. Abbreviations: Use standard abbreviations only. When you use non-standard abbreviations, spell out the full word at first mentioning and insert the abbreviation in parenthesis, after then use the abbreviation consistently.
6. References: References in text are numbered style in parentheses in the order of their citation. At the end of the text citations should be assembled in the order they appear in the text in accordance with the Vancouver style, e. g.:
1. Jacobsen DW, Catanescu O, DiBello PM, Barbato JC. Clin Chem Lab Med 2005;43:1076-83.
2. Kleine TO. In: Ruiz-Torres A, Hofecker G, editors. Modification of the rate of aging. Wien: Facultas, 1992:177-82.
The names of the journals should be abbreviated according to the Chemical Abstracts Bibliographic Source Index. Give first and last pages.
7. Make sure that you use correct English with regard to spelling and grammar.
Evaluation of Abstracts
All abstracts will be evaluated by the Abstract Committee. Authors will be informed about the acceptance of their abstracts together with details of the method of presentation (oral or poster) and guidelines for presentation from Mai 20th.
Abstracts in case of acceptance:
- Swiss MedLab-Abstracts will be published in the “ahead of print” edition of the journal "Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine CCLM", issue 7. They will be reproduced directly from the data supplied by the authors, without editorial alteration by the staff of the Journal. Infelicities of preparation, grammar, spelling, style, syntax and usage are the authors.
- Presenting authors of accepted abstracts are responsible for posting their work; suitable numbered boards as well as posting facilities will be available at the congress. The presenting author will be informed about assigned number and scheduled day of the poster presentation. During poster presentation sessions, the presenting author must be present.
- Free communications / Oral presentations: While most abstracts will be presented in poster form during the poster sessions, a number of abstracts will be selected to be delivered as oral presentations. Oral presentations will presumably be ten minutes each plus discussion, time permitting.
- The offcial language of the Congress is German or French, some presentations will be in English. Slide presentations (ppt) can be in English, German or French.
Audio Visual
Powerpoint facilities will be provided for presenters.
Slide presentation must be on powerpoint (ppt) or PDF format!
The data of presentations must be carried on a memory stick.
The registration fees of at least the presenting author should be paid at the time of the abstract submission. Students profit from a student-friendly congress fare (CHF 100.- for all three days).
Register at: